We are only a few weeks away from the New Year and many people are beginning to plan for their New Years Resolution. A question on many peoples mind is often, “Why don’t over 90% of resolutions stick?”
In an article from FastCompany.com in 2005 there was an interesting statistic that shocked many that discussed the percentage of people who would actually change in the face of impending death. The article called “Change or Die” discussed the science and behavior behind people’s willingness or lack of willingness to change.
Below are some reasons why change is so challenging and also a few strategies to consider for improving your odds.
Identifying the Right Goal
The first step is to find a goal that is big enough to inspire you. Unless you are truly inspired to accomplish the goal, it is just a wish. By calling it a “goal”, you are affirming that (a) you desire it intensely, (b) you truly believe in your ability to achieve your goal and (c) you are willing to pay the price in advance for achieving your goal.
Document Your Goal
Writing out your goal stimulates the “filtering” part of your brain, called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). When you write down your goal, the RAS begins collecting relevant information, then sends results to the conscious part of your mind. It acts “behind the scenes”, causing you to become aware of opportunities that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Make sure that the goal is positive, is written in the present tense, is action-oriented, and is specific and as detailed as possible.
Establish a Deadline
By setting a deadline, your subconscious is activated to ensure the achievement of your goal within the prescribed time frame. If you follow all of the steps in this process, and your projections are realistic, then you will achieve your goal by the deadline.
Determine the Benefit
You will only be compelled to achieve your goal if it is something that inspires you; something that causes such intense desire in you that you are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal. By writing down the reasons you want to achieve your goal, you’ll discover how intense your desire really is.
Identify the Roadblocks
There will probably be several elements standing between you and your goal. Make a list of these “challenges”, and rank them in order of priority. Then, begin taking action to remove each of the elements that stands in the way of the accomplishment of your goal.
I welcome the opportunity to learn how you have used the information posted in our “Making It Stick” blog series in your life and can be contacted at 248-740-3231 or through my website – Michigan Business and Personal Coach.
When patterns are broken, new worlds will emerge – Barry Demp Coaching