This is a seven-minute excerpt from my appearance on BlogTalkRadio’s show On the Dean’s List, with host Dean la Douceur. In it, Dean and I discuss:
- The quote “When patterns are broken, new worlds will emerge.”
- The blocks to change – what holds us back (e.g. fear of loss).
- Top issues that clients seek my support with and how that’s changed over my career.
- Time management, particularly in the light of new technology. “Time is the coin of your life.” [link to the quote]
- Interpersonal communications, social media, and face-to-face conversations.
Simply click below to play the audio file.
[audio:|titles=Barry Demp, “On the Dean’s List”]If you’d like to hear the whole of my interview with Dean la Douceur (37 minutes), please click here to visit my Podcasts page. You can listen to it online or download it.