As a continuation of our Time Management Blog Series, Barry Demp offers some key suggestions on how to “Optimize” the use of your time. The feedback that we have received from these blog posts has been tremendous and we encourage you to continue to provide your thoughts and results after using these suggestions by contacting us. Here are some more great suggestions on the optimization of your time management:
- Use a contact/time management system like Outlook, Act, Franklin Planner, or Goldmine CRM to organize your activities and keep your mind free to think creatively. What are some ways you currently use these systems to save time? Let us know.
- Hire a business, personal, or technology coach to help you put the necessary support structures in place to create new sustainable habits. See what successful time managers say about this suggestion.
- Limit interruptions and distractions by communicating new guidelines for gaining your attention. Appropriately using a closed door and/or a “do not disturb” function on your phone system or simply scheduling your open-door times can help you to be more efficient.
- Stephen Covey uses the phrase, “Sharpen the Saw” as a way of investing in the preparatory activities necessary to be most effective. Training, Planning, and Organizing are examples of ways to sharpen the saw. What are some others? Let us know.
- Striving for progress versus “perfection” is a way to free up tremendous time and energy. What does this statement mean to you?
Barry Demp is a highly-skilled Michigan Business and Personal coach focused on the areas of leadership, management, coaching, team-building, networking, business development, communication skills, relationship building, motivation, time management, life balance, and goal achievement. He specializes in working with business owners, executives, coaches, consultants, and high-potential professionals by helping them significantly increase their productivity, profitability, and life balance. For more information or assistance, please contact Barry Demp at 248-740-3231 or visit