I offer one-on-one in-person coaching to business owners, executives, and high potential professionals in organizations of all sizes. Each coaching engagement is tailored and customized to help you achieve the results you desire.
How many of the following objectives do you want to achieve?
- Develop and implement a plan for my professional life
- Develop stronger, more effective professional relationships
- Have greater clarity regarding my view of my professional future
- Be a master networker and business developer
- Make effective values-based career and life decisions
- Expand my leadership and management skills
- Be an outstanding coach for myself and my colleagues
- Attract quality customers and talented staff
- Develop the business skills of my staff or team
- Enhance my use of time in the achievement of my professional goals
- Enhance my job satisfaction, effectiveness, and life balance
- Improve my health and deal more effectively with career/ life stress
- Make more money and work fewer hours
- Work more effectively outside my comfort zone
- Bounce back better from professional setbacks
- Have greater confidence
- Spend more time and energy on what is most important to me
- Have my professional life make a greater difference in the world
If you strive for many or most of the statements above, please contact me today.