During Events: Conversations

The whole point of going to networking events is to have great conversations. If you find it difficult to strike up a conversation, or if you are unsure how to keep a discussion going, these tips should help.
Use the other person’s name several times in your conversation – this will help you remember it! Repeat their name when you are introduced (“Hi Bob! Nice to meet you!). Use it when you introduce them to someone else.
Focus on being interested rather than being interesting.
Make sure you can answer WIIFT – What’s in it for them?
Make the first move in meeting and engaging others in conversation.
Ask them: How would I know if someone would be a good prospect for you?
Know how to escape from long-winded conversations. Put the focus on helping the other person: “I’m sure you have other people you want to meet, so I won’t take up any more of your time.”
Can your introduction pass the “So What?” test? What makes you unique? What expertise differentiates you from others in your profession? You need to be able to say something others can’t – but in a graceful, dignified and reasonably humble manner.