Business Owners
Achieve greatness in your personal life and business with tailored, one-to-one coaching sessions specific to your situation.- Attract quality customers and talented staff.
- Make effective, values-based career and life decisions.
- Become a masterful networker and business developer.
- Develop and implement a plan for your professional life.
Professional Service Providers
For attorneys, accountants, bankers, and financial advisors who want to attract and retain an abundance of great clients.- Learn to compete in today's fast-paced business world.
- Master your field and become more attractive than your competition.
- Do things that make you stand out in this highly competitive environment.
- Develop greater confidence in yourself and your work.
Executives & Business Leaders
One-on-one in-person coaching for business owners, executives, and high-potential professionals. Each coaching engagement is customized to help you achieve the results you desire.- Become a more effective leader, manager, and coach.
- Achieve excellence in your work and personal life.
- Attract and secure new business opportunities.
- Differentiate and compete successfully in the business community.
Coaching is a well-recognized and highly valuable profession that helps people change their lives. But sometimes coaches need coaching, too, and that's where my 23 years' experience comes in.- Realize your fullest potential in professional and personal domains.
- Make more money and work fewer hours.
- Work more effectively outside your comfort zone.
- Bounce back better from professional setbacks.
"Barry changed my life! He introduced me to Coaching and a venue to realize my Personal Life Vision as a very successful coach myself. I have owned and successfully developed my company that trains integrated Leadership, Management and Coaching over the last 9 years, and I couldn't have done it without Barry's critical help. Are you in question as to whether you can have the life you are capable of? If so, hire Barry and you won't wonder anymore. You'll know!"
- Al Killeen, President, Integrative Mastery Programs
- Al Killeen, President, Integrative Mastery Programs